Amar Charisma


Amar Charisma was carefully and selectively bred by Andrew Phillips of the Amar prefix. I first met Carry as a very tiny yearling where she was more like a pet dog than a pony, we have known Andrew for a number of years and when this pony became available knowing we can trust Andrew it seemed too good a opportunity to miss. She came to join our family as our Children’s first pony Christmas 2012. Ironic really as one of my first ponies was a palomino called Star Gleam known as Fatty to her friends. Carry and Fatty are very similar in a lot of ways and she brings back a lot of happy childhood memories for me.

When we had Carry, although shown by Andrew as a youngster, she had done very little showing if any under saddle. 2013 was the first year that we introduced Carry and both the children to the ring. We have since had tremendous fun and created a lot of happy memories doing dressage, jumping, XC and showing, and child handler. They have enjoyed many pony club rallies together and pony club camp, she is regularly as a demo pony for lots of little children to draw on, rug up, practice grooming & bandaging. We ride out as a family, and take in the roads and bridleways, quite often taking a labrador or two with us.

Carry is nearly 100% done & produced by my children, they catch her bring her in, tack up, load and do everything with her that they can. Shes a adorable lovely girl who loves the children and has given them a great start to their competition world and created many happy memories to look back on in time to come of the fairy tale first pony.
